Saturday, 16 July 2011

16 July 2011 - You bring the G&T

Yet another great weekend here in Norway (Yes I know, but my weekends are from Friday night to Sunday Morning) Firstly, the trip up to Osa mountain went better than I expected, every week we get a little higher and higher, basically until we run out of road because there is still snow about... This week however we made it to the very top......

and wow, what a sight. The big lake full of ice bergs, on top of a mountain! Quite a spectacular view indeed.

That was the first time I had stood on an iceberg

Even I was a bit concerned that it might tip up or break or something and I didn't fancy getting my new trainers wet, What I didn't bank on was 8 guests all wanting to take the picture... er like i'm stood on an iceberg with nothing on my feet!.... Hurry up and press the button!

The evening meal was proceeded with a cruise up the Hardanger Fjord aboard the Lady Anne, a cruise ship/boat owned by the Brakanes Hotel...

I'm not sure of the difference between a boat and a ship, other than you can put a boat on a ship but you cant put a ship on a boat!... As usual it rained all the way out and back, clearing up as we docked back at the hotel.

Later that evening, the Ulvik posse congregated upon the Green Cafe, Not a bad trendy pub / bar / sandwich shop run by Niall who is from...  'of all places' Coventry!

The music is of your own choice, basically go in and mess with the playlist and boom... The unfortunate thing is the posse is made up of all nationalities, Swedes, Chechnyan, Moroccan, Russian  and even the odd Norwegian,  so the music tastes did vary somewhat.. Ive not heard James Blunt followed by Metalica before. As it was Mikalea's leaving party there was a good turnout and was in full swing by 2.30am. Quite bizarre for the sleepy town of Ulvik to be in party mode.

Well Today my camera finally arrived (I know! only how long???) But it is all I was hoping for so this afternoon I've been doing my David Bailey bit and taking pictures of all sorts of rubbish around Voss, Expect to see some stunning photographs from now on as I get my head round the F2.8 1000/1 200isa waffle flange converter nonsense. Kelvin Media's Tech Support line has been inundated with emails and tex's this afternoon as I twist dials, press buttons and generally waste a lot of film... Oh wait!

See... I can do 'Depth Of Field'..... well it was in a field if that counts!

Now all I have to do is everything ive done in Norway 'Again' and this time photograph it!

... Expect some classic shots next weekend... and yes that will include Tequila :)

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