Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Tusen takk for å ha meg Norge - se deg neste år

Can you believe it... its raining in Ulvik... Now there's a surprise! Well this is my last blog from Norway. The car is packed to the gunnels and i'm just hanging out waiting for tomorrow to arrive, Then its a 7 hour jaunt across the country to Brevik, even though its only 300 miles its like driving back and forth to Meribel from Moutiers, Twisty mountain roads that go on forever. This time however I will be doing it in the day instead of the murky sunset / sunrise of may. Weird how 5 months ago we had only 1 hour of darkness per night here and now its almost like Britain. I have to be at the port at least 5 hours before departure as the cargo ship i'm traveling on needs to load me before packing its decks with containers. 3am we are due to set sail and then I guess its 41 hours of chilling out in my cabin. Not much else to do surrounded by water for so long. Still, now I know what to expect, I have supplies, music and films with me to while away the hours.

I really am going to miss this place, Hopefully I will get posted back here again next year, who knows, i have the winter to get through yet. Still, new challenges every season, new faces, new beginnings, Its all life experience.

I can honestly say the Norwegians are among the nicest people I have ever met. Such a great way of life out here. For example, I took some unused tickets back to the station the other day, they just took them off me, said they would return them to head office and we would be credited for them... and so it was done. So easy. Can you imagine that in England... I never received them, what tickets? who are you? I want a receipt for them bla bla bla...They are of such a trusting nature, and it makes you the same way.

Well to all my new found friends over here, a thousand thanks for making this the most memorable season of my life, I will be back, I will miss you all, and look after the place in my absence.


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